Drosophila is one of the oldest andmost powerful genetic models and has led to novel insights into a variety of biological processes.\r\nRecently, Drosophila has emerged as a model system to study human diseases, including several important neurodegenerative\r\ndiseases. Because of the genomic similarity between Drosophila and humans, Drosophila neurodegenerative diseasemodels exhibit a\r\nvariety of human-disease-like phenotypes, facilitating fast and cost-effective in vivo genetic modifier screening and drug evaluation.\r\nUsing these models, many disease-associated genetic factors have been identified, leading to the identification of compelling\r\ndrug candidates. Recently, the safety and efficacy of traditional medicines for human diseases have been evaluated in various\r\nanimal disease models. Despite the advantages of the Drosophila model, its usage in the evaluation of traditional medicines is only\r\nnascent.Here, we introduce the Drosophila model for neurodegenerative diseases and some examples demonstrating the successful\r\napplication of Drosophila models in the evaluation of traditional medicines.